In order to continuously support the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and promote the standardization cooperation under the BRI, on the morning of April 23, 2019, guided by the State Administration for Market Regulation and Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China, a press conference on "Standards Information Platform for the Belt and Road (hereinafter referred to as 'Information Platform')" and "Chinese-English Smart Translation System in Standardization (hereinafter referred to as 'Translation Cloud Platform') hosted by China National Institute of Standardization was held in Beijing. Cui Gang, Director of the Standards Innovation Management Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, Wang Zongling, Secretary of the Party Committee of China National Institute of Standardization, relevant leaders from the International Standards Cooperation Department of the Standards Innovation Management Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Technical Trade Measures Department of the International Cooperation Department, representatives of foreign and international standardization organizations in Beijing, representatives of scientific research institutes and enterprises involved in the BRI standardization work, and 13 media including People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV NEWS and Beijing TV attended the conference, with a total of about 60 representatives. The meeting was hosted by Li Aixian, Vice President of China National Institute of Standardization.

In his speech, Director Cui Gang introduced the international cooperation on standardization jointly built by BRI countries, reviewed the achievements that standardization contributed to the BRI, and emphasized the importance and urgency of the BRI to jointly establish national standard information exchange and sharing, and hoped that the two important achievements of the information platform and the translation cloud platform could serve the economic and social development more extensively and serve the construction of the BRI more deeply. Secretary Wang Zongling read the release speech. After that, the leaders and guests jointly launched the information platform and the translation cloud platform.

The Information Platform is based on the principle of countries in "One Belt and One Road" to jointly build and share, and to strengthen exchange and cooperation of standardization for the purpose of meeting the needs of fast and barrier-free understanding and use of standards. For the first time, it classifies and translates relevant standard information of the BRI countries, comprehensively displays the standardization overview of 108 countries of the BRI including China, integrates standard information of 35 countries and 5 international organizations including ISO, IEC, and ITU, and provides accurate retrieval services, so that standard information can be accessed in order and achieve a high-quality user experience. The information platform also uses visual means to analyze the characteristics and quantity of standards in the BRI countries, including standard hot words, distribution of standard fields, and standard release trends. At the same time, there is a column on standardization trends at domestic and foreign, which tracks the standardization trends of various countries and international standardization organizations in a timely manner, to provide standardization information support for the construction of the BRI. The information platform has set up a bridge link of standard interconnection between "the belt and road" countries.

The Translation Cloud Platform (www.znfy.org.cn) is an important achievement of the "Research and Application of Common Technologies Based on National Quality Infrastructure" (NQI) project in the National Key Research and Development Program of China. The platform has built an authoritative standardized English-Chinese corpus of 42 million Chinese characters and 22 million English words. It uses the state-of-art translation technology and computer-aided post-editing technology to provide fast English-Chinese translation of standard texts, standardized document materials and other fields of information in various formats. It supports online splitting and combining vocabulary. Users can create personal memories and terminology databases online. The translated texts retain the original layout format. The platform has two characteristics. Firstly, it integrates the concept of "co-building and co-sharing". Each user is both a user and a contributor to the platform's corpus. Secondly, the independent English interface provides a fast translation channel for foreign users to view and use Chinese standards. In addition, online translation not only eliminates the update process but also provides the function of instant translation of standard texts and standard documents. It can be said that the translation cloud platform, as the infrastructure of standard internationalization, provides important language support for standards connectivity in building the BRI.

website: www.znfy.org.cn
"Strengthen the co-construction and sharing of standard information and promote the joint construction of national connectivity". This press is an opportunity to set up a standards information sharing mechanism among the countries that have jointly built the BRI, to continuously improve the standards connectivity in the BRI and to contribute the effort in standardization to the BRI construction.