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IEC approves new 5G EMF exposure assessment methods standard for base stations
Date: 2022-10-10    Source:IEC   

With the deployment of 5G networks accelerating globally and the adoption of advanced 5G connectivity through new beam forming technology, the IEC has approved its 2022 edition of the technical standard IEC 62232 for the assessment of electromagnetic field exposure.

Harnessing the collaborative power of academia, industry, governments and testing laboratories all working together, the latest IEC standard from TC 106 provides international best practice for the assessment of EMF levels around all base stations including the latest improvements with 5G.

The 2022 edition of the IEC 62232 standard has been adopted with the highest score of 100% positive votes. The main updates include:


• increased frequency range from 100MHz to 300GHz to support millimetre wave base stations

• assessment of antennas using beamforming

• assessment methods leveraging the actual transmission levels of base stations during operation

• case studies from live 5G networks illustrating transmission levels monitoring and control.


The new standard specifically focuses on test methods to achieve the most accurate assessment of 5G base stations. It recommends using the "actual maximum" transmission levels from real site operation, rather than the "rated maximum" that is generally not reached during operation.

TC 106 is now aiming at updating the technical report TR 62669 with the corresponding implementation case studies.

With 5G revolutionizing global wireless connectivity, TC 106 has always been at the forefront of developing the most up-to-date standards and technical reports. Developing the latest standard has seen the number of active national committee members almost double, along with the contributor feedback showing the global interest this has attracted.

Achieving the unanimous approval of the new international standard has seen significantly increased workloads for conveners and working committee members during these times.

Reflecting on completion of this significant milestone and the benefits this brings for 5G assessments, TC 106 Member Christophe Grangeat said, "The adoption of the 2022 edition of IEC 62232 with the highest score of 100% represents a major milestone in the improvement of base station EMF exposure assessment methods, leveraging the actual maximum transmission level of equipment during operation."

TC 106 member Des Ward added, "This new edition is the outcome of joint effort and contribution from a range of experts, including academia, industry, governments and testing laboratories, from more than 15 nationalities on all continents".

(Source: IEC)



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