The transition to an eco-friendly economy is one of China's priorities, which is also a global goal to create a better future for all human beings.
The launching meeting of the "Research on the standardization development of the transition to a comprehensive low-carbon economy by 2035" was held at Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) on March 1, 2022. Zhong Zhihua, Vice-President of CAE, Tian Shihong, Vice-Minister of SAMR and Administrator of SAC, attended the meeting together with the members of CAE, experts, representatives of relevant ministries and other members of the project team.
The Research will focus on the arrangement of standardization work to establish a comprehensive low-carbon economy by 2035. A unified and harmonized standards system of greenness and low-carbon will be established with the supplement of a suggestion list of phased key standard projects.
The Research will also work on following issues: innovative technologies in frontier fields of greenness and low-carbon; the technical roadmap to coordinate international standards and market-driven standards; strategies and key direction of developing international standards in response to climate change, such as greenhouse gas management; the mechanism of developing, implementing, supervising and evaluating mandatory standards in the field of greenness and low-carbon.
Future research results will be utilized to implement key tasks mentioned in the Outline for National Standardization Development, and to advise relevant policymakers to promote the standardization of carbon peak and neutrality projects.
Zhong Zhihua pointed out that China has paid great attention to implementing standardization strategies, which is vital to fulfill carbon peak and neutrality goals, and facilitate the high-quality development of China.
CAE has been working on researches in the field of standardization, including "China Standards 2035", "Research on Strategies of National Standardization Development", "Key issues on China's Standardization Strategies", and other series researches. CAE will carry on producing high-quality results to support the standardization development in the context of China's transition to a comprehensive low-carbon economy.
SAMR and SAC will cooperate with CAE to make sure that this project is smoothly completed, according to Tian Shihong. CNIS will participate in the project and undertake the issue "Research on the supervision and evaluation mechanism of implementing mandatory standards in green and low-carbon area".