2018 World Standards Cooperation Roundtable Forum was held in Hangzhou on November 6-8, 2018. The meeting was organized by the World Standards Cooperation Organization (WSC), and hosted by China University of Metrology. The World Standards Cooperation Roundtable Forum is a global professional academic round-table forum convened annually by WSC in different regions. The World Standards Cooperation Organization has invited 22 experts from standardization bodies such as the China National Institute of Standardization, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, the University of Irms in the Netherlands, Maastricht University, the University of Munich, the University of Munich, Wellesley College and 17 global colleges and universities, as well as the ISO Central Secretariat, IEC Singapore Asia Pacific Office participated in the round-table forum. Dr. Li Yun from Institute of Standardization Theory and Strategy of CNIS, was invited to deliver a keynote speech entitled "Standardization Strategy" on the round table.

This round-table forum focuses on the application and development of the existing theories of standardization research in the fields of economics, sociology, engineering, law, etc. The aim is to promote academic exchanges and interactions among key academic institutions, industry leaders and standards organizations, and to contribute to a better understanding of standardization. At the meeting, all experts conducted a three-day interactive seminar on the theme "developing an agenda for Future International Standardization Research" under the leadership of the organisers. After three days of breakout discussions and voting, the participating experts finally proposed 13 topics for future international standardization, including standards and sustainable development, standardization and public policies, and intellectual property rights in standards. The experts held a heated discussion about the problems existing in the topic. This round table forum provides a good communication platform for the future international standardization research. It is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of international standardization. The results of the forum will provide some theoretical support for international standardization research.