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Smart Translation Cloud Platform in Standardization Provides Important Language Support for Standards Connecting "the Belt and Road"
Date: 2019-05-13    Source:Standards Information Institute   

Smart Translation Cloud Platform in Standardization is an important achievement of the Research of Common Technologies and Application of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) which belongs to the National Key Research and Development Program. Led and implemented by the China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS), developed by Shanghai UTH International according to the task requirements, the platform was completed and put into trial operation in early 2018. Since the platform was officially released on April 23, 2019, it has received extensive attention from the public, the number of users registered has soared, and good feedback on users' experience effect has been continuously received.

It is said by the project leader Ms Liu Zhiyang, the platform was established in accordance with the work objectives and key tasks of the Standards Connecting "the Belt and Road" Action Plan (2015-2017) issued by the "the Belt and Road initiative" Leading Group Office in October 2015. Up to now, an authoritative English-Chinese corpus in standardization with 42 million Chinese characters and 22 million English words has been built. The platform adopts the most advanced translation technology and computer-assisted post-translation editing technology.  It can provide fast Chinese-English translation of standards texts and information in standardization in various formats, materials in other fields as well. It supports online word splitting and combination. Users can set up personal memory bases and term bases online. The translated texts completely retain the original typesetting format.

The platform has two major features. First, it integrates the concept of "co-construction and sharing". Each user is both a user and a contributor to the platform's corpus.  Second, the independent English language interface provides a fast translation channel for foreign users to view and use Chinese standards. In addition, the online translation website not only saves the update time, but also provides the instant translation of standards texts and standardization documents, greatly improves the efficiency of standards text translation, solves the long-standing problems of accuracy and authority in standards text translation, and fills the gap of online intertranslation of Chinese - English standards texts at home and abroad. As the infrastructure of standards internationalization, the translation cloud platform provides important language support for standards connecting and co-building "the Belt and Road ".

Website of the Platform:




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