The 3rd Meeting of Sino-UK Standardization Cooperation Committee was held in Hangzhou on April 10, 2018. The meeting was hosted by SAC and BSI, and organized by Hangzhou Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. Tian Shihong, Vice-Administrator of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and Administrator of SAC, Xu Liyi , Deputy-Secretary of Hangzhou CPC Committee and Mayor of Hangzhou Municipal Government and Chen Xinhua, Deputy-Mayor of Hangzhou, addressed the meeting. More than 70 people including senior officials and experts from BSI, CBBC and the British Embassy, main leaders of SAC and its departments, and relevant standardization experts from China and UK participated in this meeting. CNIS experts Xing Liqiang and Yang Feng also attended this meeting.

Chen Xinhua, SAC Deputy-Administrator Chen Hongjun, BSI Director of Standards Dr. Scott Steedman, Yang Junping of Chinese Ministry of Commerce, and British Consul-General in Shanghai Steven Ellison addressed respectively and reviewed and prospected the Sino-UK standardization cooperation. Then in the following mechanism meeting, representatives of both sides made an introduction about Sino-UK cooperation in graphene, "smart cities" and civilian nuclear energy, and substantively discussed about Sino-UK cooperation in "Belt and Road", standardization of artificial intelligence, "Made in Zhejiang", "smart cities", financial services, and urban sustainable development standardization. As for urban sustainable development standardization, David Bell, Head of standards policy department of BSI, introduced the current station of UK sustainable development standardization. In turn, Yang Feng made an introduction about the progress and prospect of Chinese urban sustainable development standardization.

In the afternoon, the meeting also discussed about cooperation in the disposal rules of essential patents of standards, the exchange of standards information, the standardization of remanufacturing, the standardization of mobile payments, the aging society, and the standardization of the elderly care.
(Translated by Song Langlang, reviewed by Liu Zhiyang) |