This is designed to guarantee and improve people's health, promote the economic development and social progress, and build a harmonious society, focusing on researches over population management and health service informatization and its standardization, striving to make innovative breakthroughs in theories and technologies, and proposing relevant guidelines, policies and technological measures to administrative authorities, so as to improve the overall studies in population and health information technology to cope with various challenges and provide standardization support for the people-oriented all-around affluent society featuring the harmious development of population, resouces, environment and economics.
This field mainly specializes in the standardization theory and application researches in the following fields: *Population management and service informatization *Health Card *EHR (electronic health record) / EMR (electronic medical records) *Health information systems (including HIS / CIS / PACS systems) *Digital medical equipment (including IHE) *Medical e-commerce
In addition, the field is responsible for the mirror committee of ISO / TC 215 "health informatics standardization technical committee."
To date, the field has developed and officially released 18 national standards, and completed the standardization researches related to the national special key health information technology standard project during the 10th Five-Year Plan period and projects of the national key S&T program during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. In addition, this field has joined hands with the People's Liberation Army General Hospital and University of Electronic Science and Technology in assisting to rebuild the health information system of the quake-hit Shifang City in 2008, with the local health informatization level exceeding its original level before the earthquake.
 CNIS experts in front of the Township Hospital of Yinghua, Shifang after "5.12" Wenchuan Earthquake.
 CNIS experts with Hongkong experts at the ISO/TC 215 plenary meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.